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moving towards your dreams, moving towards yourself

Where have you always wanted to go, but didn't think was possible?

What have you always wanted to do, but never let yourself even begin to explore?

Emerald Beach, Thailand 2014

Emerald Beach, Thailand 2014

This is a view from Emerald Beach in Thailand.  This past summer, I was able to cross it off my list of places I want to experience.  A place in time that was surreal with the amount of beauty that continued to unfurl around me everyday I was there.  It was officially, the first vacation I was able to give myself since starting my own practice.

This post is all about addressing hesitations and victories of all sizes.  If you were to make a list of the things that you wish you could do, no limitations, no boundaries, the universe is your oyster, what would be on it?  Go on, find  paper and a pen... (even if you are hesitating):

Now that you have made your list - at least 5 wonder filled experiences/wishes, what are you noticing?  What is your "Censor" saying?

Julia Cameron uses this term as she writes about healing and the creative process in her remarkable work, The Artist's Way (public library).   She says "We are victims of our own internalized perfectionist, a nasty internal and eternal critic, the Censor, who resides in our (left) brain and keeps up a constant stream of subversive remarks that are often disguised as the truth" (pg. 11).

Often we stop ourselves before we can even begin.  Some of you might have even stopped yourself from thinking about the five things you might list, or even dismissed the activity all together. 

So, what then?  Within the city we are building within ourselves, are we installing more streets or dead ends when we stop ourselves from moving towards our deepest wants, desires and needs.  What are the other options?

What if your compassionate, youthful, wishful parts of you were able to get in touch with the parts of you that you so often are found saying "NO," "NO WAY," and "Never gonna happen"?  What if these narrowing-negative thoughts could be loosened, like a cement block that breaks down over time because water has slowly but surely made its way though.

What if...you, me, we all, were capable of so much more than we have previously given ourselves credit for? 

What if...?


So, today will practice giving yourself the credit you are due for whatever brave steps you are taking towards yourselves, your dreams and those you want to be closer to?

Today, will you practice noticing when the censor pops up?

Today, will you flex your self-care muscles and get yourself more of what you need in small ways, big ways or anyways in between?